My Birthday is tomorrow (Sun) and my husband surprised me earlier this week with this beauty. I'm so excited to start using it! Thanks Hun! I can think of a million things to do!! The possibilities are endless! So with that said, its time to get my CRAFT ON!!
Saturday, January 21, 2012
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
2012 Projects!
Wow! Its been awhile since I've posted anything..sorry about that. But I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and a great time ringing in the New Year. I know I did, it was fabulous! I am so looking forward to this new year ! So to start, I thought I would share with you some projects I am dying to do for 2012. Thank goodness for a thing like pinterest to keep me happy!
Vase DIY from: The Colorful Living Project
Fabric Trash Bag for the Car from : How Does She
Shadow Boxes from: The Mama Dramalogues
Decorate with old windows ( I actually have some that I'm working on, hopefully I'll be able to post those soon.)
My sweet MIL gave me some awesome flour sacks that I'm dying to make something out of.
I found this on Esty and fell in love.
Flour Sack Pillows
Even better I found a blog on how to actually make a flour sack pillow.
Vintage Flour Sacks: The Rubber Punkin
those are just a few things I want to work on this year. I would love to hear from you! What are some projects you want to work on in 2012??!